Lethbridge School Division

Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful, and caring.

Labour Relations

This webpage will be updated as information becomes available.

Yearly Calendar

Yearly Calendar

Click on the link below to download the Division calendar for the 2024/2025 school year


Careers at Lethbridge School Division

Lethbridge School Division is committed to recruiting, hiring and retaining a staff focused on providing high quality education for all public school students in the city of Lethbridge. We pride ourselves on our strong professional development and available leadership experiences that assist each staff member to achieve growth in their specialty areas.

Donate Now!

Lethbridge School Division is a charitable organization incorporated under the School Act of Alberta to provide educational programs and services to students in Lethbridge Alberta.



All stakeholders in the public education system have free access to the Lethbridge School Division Policy Handbook.

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